Friday, November 28, 2008

wash mooder n squirt squirt impoturn!

"But this will lead to a shortage of Grade D moomoo juice if the demand for it grows substantially. The current usage of moomoo juice – nourishing mooders and moomoo juice fights – seem to be of little importance. But letting moomoos have their share of fun is essential in maintaining the grades of moomoo juice at their prevailing standards. Research has shown that when moomoos are made to live in unhygienic and cramped conditions their stress level inevitably goes up. It was observed that moomoos without their private space get agitated easily and produce lower qualities of moomoo juice. Grade A moomoo juice is affected the most because stressed moomoos will not consistently produce a steady supply of Grade A moomoo juice. The moomoo juice that collects in the moomoos’ bodies will be a mixture of several grades. Grade D moomoo juice might even degrade into swill moomoo juice."

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